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Prioritising estate planning webinar

This webinar will support financial advisers in their understanding of key estate planning strategies so they can help their clients take action.


Date Available now on demand Duration 36 minutes

This on demand webinar was recorded on 11 June 2024. All information will have been correct at the time, but some statistics and deadlines may now be out of date. You can still submit questions, but these won't be answered in the Q&A. Instead a member of our team will get in touch with an answer.

Why is estate planning important?

Inheritance tax is a concern for many families across the UK. More than £45 billion is set to be collected by 20281, with one in eight people impacted.2  

There is an enormous need for advice and an equally large opportunity for advisers to add value.   

But how can you ready your business to best support clients? How can you help clients to take action? And what planning is right for your clients?  

"[...] Great content, easy to follow and not time consuming"

- Adviser, Brooks Financial Planning Ltd

Register to attend

By watching this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Why it’s important to prioritise estate planning for your clients and business.  
  • How to help clients make positive decisions and get on the front foot with their estate planning.   
  • The key estate planning options, their pros and cons, including how Business Relief fits in.   
  • Practical tips to support your estate planning business in 2024 and beyond.
  • How estate planning can support good client outcomes as part of your Consumer Duty obligations.    
  • Tips from our latest research on retaining generational wealth to add value to your business and support your clients.  

Over 1,000 advisers and paraplanners have already tuned into the series

Please remember:  

  • The value of a Business Relief-qualifying investment, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest. 
  • Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and tax rules could change in the future. 
  • Tax relief depends on portfolio companies maintaining their qualifying status. 

Meet the speaker

Nick Maidment

Nick Maidment

Head of Retail Sales

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An award-winning investment provider

Octopus has won numerous awards, including the Five Star Investment Provider Award at the Financial Adviser Service Awards, voted for by financial advisers, ten years running

Other webinars in the Value Navigator series

We’re running a three-part webinar series to help you uncover value in estate planning for your clients and your business.  

1 IHT receipts grow by £1bn year-on-year, FT Adviser, 25 April 2024.
2 Inheritance tax: Current policy and debates, House of Commons Library, 18 March 2024.

For professional advisers and paraplanners only. Not to be relied upon by retail investors.