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How to reinvest

Octopus Investments is the largest provider of Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) in the market¹. We launched our first VCT in 2002, and as at 30 September 2023, manage more than £1.7 billion across our venture funds on behalf of over 40,000 investors.

As a loyal shareholder, you’re eligible for a 1% discount on our initial fee if you make an investment. If you decide to reinvest into another of our VCTs, you could claim up to 30% income tax relief and benefit from tax-free dividends and growth.

To reinvest, you’ll need to post to us:

  • A covering letter confirming you’d like us to hold your funds for reinvesting
  • Your completed buyback documents and share certificate(s)
  • A completed application for the VCT you’d like to reinvest into (you can complete this online)

There are some things to consider when reinvesting:

  • Your application for the new VCT will be subject to capacity availability. The VCT could reach its fundraising target before your shares are sold.
  • If you sell shares in a VCT within six months of buying new shares in the same VCT, you will not be able to claim any income tax relief on these shares. If you choose to sell shares in a VCT and buy shares in a different VCT, including any other Octopus VCT, you may be able to claim income tax relief on your new shares immediately.

For more details on the process, please get in touch with your financial adviser or call us on 0800 316 2295.

¹By funds under management. The Association of Investment Companies, July 2023

Related VCT resources

Venture Capital Trusts Explained

Learn how VCTs function, the types of early-stage companies they invest in, and the tax benefits and risks involved.

How to claim VCT tax relief

Learn how to claim up to 30% income tax relief on Venture Capital Trust (VCT) investments and enhance your understanding to support your clients’ investment decisions.


Our easy-to-read guide answers common questions about Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs), designed to help you understand VCTs better and assist your clients with confidence.