Back office integrations
Get daily valuations straight into your back office
Our back office integrations offer daily bulk valuations for most of your clients’ investments with Octopus. So
you can give information to clients more quickly and easily.
Receive daily top-level updates
Access info from your own back office system
Get time back to support your clients
Automatic valuations for our biggest products
Top-level current portfolio valuations
- Octopus AIM Inheritance Tax Service
- Octopus AIM Inheritance Tax ISA
- Octopus Inheritance Tax Service
Full valuations with funds/holdings breakdown
- Octopus Titan VCT
- Octopus Apollo VCT
- Octopus AIM VCTs
- Octopus Ventures EIS Service
- Eureka
- Brewin EIS
- Octopus EIS
- Protected EIS
We currently integrate with Intellifo & IRESS
Here’s how to set it up
To start receiving daily bulk valuations, your firm’s Intelligent Office system administrator (iostoreAdmin) will need to install and activate the Octopus Investments app from the iO Store.
Before you begin
- Your client’s investments held with Octopus must correspond to a plan in your back office with an associated policy number. This must match the unique portfolio reference code that we provide when we set up your client’s investment. It will also appear on their valuations.
- You need to ensure the provider selected for each plan is ‘Octopus Investments Ltd’.
- If you need any help, we’ll send you a bulk list of Octopus portfolio reference codes for your clients.
Step 1
Ask your firm’s system administrator (iostoreAdmin) to install the Octopus Investments app from the iO Store.
Step 2
Activate your integration by emailing [email protected] with:
- Your firm’s FCA reference number.
- The name and firm FCA reference number(s) of any other appointed representatives that share your iO license and need access to Octopus Investments bulk valuations.
- Approval from a firm director. Either attach a screenshot of email approval from the director or cc the director when you email us. (The director will need to reply to this email so that we have a record of their agreement to the integration)
We’ll email you when your integration’s been activated. You won’t need a password as part of the setup.
Once we have all the information we need please allow for two business days to verify the information and get you set up.
To start receiving daily bulk valuations, your firm’s IRESS Xplan system administrator will need to add the adviser mapping. If you are unsure how to do this you can contact the support team on [email protected] or 0345 068 3000 and they will be able to assist you.
Before you begin
- Your client’s investments held with Octopus must correspond to a plan in your back office with an associated policy number. This must match the unique portfolio reference code that we provide when we set up your client’s investment. It will also appear on their valuations.
- You need to ensure the provider selected for each plan is ‘Octopus Investments Ltd’.
- If you need any help, we’ll send you a bulk list of Octopus portfolio reference codes for your clients.
Step 1
Requesting Access Through Octopus
Initially you will need to email Octopus on [email protected] with the subject line ‘Request for Xplan Integration Services’ stating the below information:
- Firm Name :
- Telephone Number :
- e-mail Address :
- Software Provider : Iress – Xplan
Step 2
We will also need approval from a firm director which includes your company’s FCA number. Either attach a screenshot of the email approval from the director or CC the director when you email us (the director will need to reply to this with the firms FCA number). We need their approval for our records.
Once we have all the information, please allow for up to two business days to verify the information and get you setup
Request an integration
We’re here to help
Need support accessing our back office integration? Send us an email with your contact details and a member of our team will give you a call.